ProTip: Solution for iCloud Drive not syncing

 For years I have been using iCloud Drive, and for years I have had issues of synchronization. There have been very useful recommendations like:

  • Just wait. Eventually it will be synchronized. Yeah, that's true, but I need *that* document now, not in 3 days.
  • Signout of iCloud. No. Just no. This will be taking you hours, if not days, before everything is back up to normal.
  • Use other Clouds. Another no. Google Drive removed files. Just plainly removed them, no copy left anywhere. And I don't trust Microsfot.
With every MacOS there used to be a specific action that seemed to help.
  • Kill bird. This used to be my favourite one before Sonoma-OS. I had created an alias mockbird (alias mockbird='killall -9 bird'), which I would call and lo and behold, iCloud Drive started to synchronize. Magic.
  • Add dummy. For Sonoma-OS the bird magic did not help. So I started to play around, and one thing which often (if not always) helps is to go into the directory where you know the document that you were looking for is located. And then simply create a new folder, called "dummy" or "magic" (you're free to choose your own lucky name). If all goes well, within a few seconds iCloud Drive will start synchronizing, and you will have your beloved document. Afterwards, remove the dummy folder of course. You don't need to clog your Drive with useless documents.


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