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Perils of Open Science: Open Data not available during reviewing

Background  I'm a great fan of Open Science , as many are within the field of Chemistry. The past years I have made  most (if not all) of my papers available in Open Access, either through ChemRXiv , Green OA or Read+Publish deals that I or a colleague has with publishers. For the computational data we use iochem-bd , which in general works well, albeit that there are some issues that could be improved. On my website you will find links to all data next to the corresponding papers. The advantages of using iochem-bd are manifold: instead of endless pages with Cartesian coordinates, which are not always easily copy/paste-able in my experience, there is one line in the Supporting Information. For instance, see here  for the last set of data, which deals with two topological isomers. In the SI, it reads like this:  see That's all folks! the data can be visualized directly, from within the browser, without having to install any program, no

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